CDARIN’s website has been updated to reflect the NETS currently being relayed on the system.
This includes the Montserrat Amateur Radio Society Morning Net, Peggy’s Chat, and the Youlou Radio Movement 2M Net.
Other Caribbean Nets will be added in a future update. However, if your Net is currently being relayed via CDARIN and you would like to have it listed on the website, please contact Paul-K9PSL.
CDARIN is the Caribbean Digital Amateur Radio International Network, a system of linked digital amateur radio nodes and repeaters that connect Caribbean Amateur Radio Operators with their global counterparts.
Linked systems include:
- DMR-QRM: TG 431420
- DMR-TGIF: TG 431420
- ECHOLINK: *CDARIN* #532301
- HHUS EXT: 94063
- HOIP EXT: 15034
- YSF-XLX:114 TG 35739